The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has conveyed its heartfelt sympathies to the Muslim Ummah in Zaria, Kaduna State, and the entire nation, following the tragic loss of lives and injuries resulting from the collapse of a section of the historic Zaria Central Mosque during a prayer session.

Expressing deep concern, the Christian association has urged the government and all concerned parties to undertake a comprehensive investigation into the causes of this incident. The aim is to prevent future accidents and ensure the safety of worshippers in all places of worship across the nation.

Archbishop Daniel Okoh, the President of CAN, conveyed these sentiments in a condolence message on Saturday. He expressed shock upon learning of the untimely demise of at least 10 worshippers.

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CAN has extended its heartfelt prayers and condolences to the families affected by this unfortunate event. The organization’s thoughts and well-wishes also go out to the 25 individuals who sustained injuries, with hopes for their swift and complete recovery.

“The historical and religious significance of the Zaria Central Mosque spans over 150 years. As a place of great importance for worship, we acknowledge the deep emotional bond that the Muslim community holds with this sacred site. In their time of grief and loss, we stand in solidarity with them.”

“In the midst of this sorrow, we stand united, recognizing the value of mutual respect, empathy, and peaceful coexistence among Nigeria’s diverse religious communities. Such tragedies underscore our shared humanity and emphasize the importance of unity during times of crisis,” Archbishop Okoh stated.

The CAN President also praised the prompt response of relevant authorities and emergency services in rescuing survivors and providing essential medical care.

“Furthermore, we urge religious leaders, both Christian and Muslim, to use this unfortunate incident as an opportunity to strengthen interfaith dialogue through understanding. This path will help create a society where individuals can freely and peacefully practice their faith, regardless of their religious affiliations.”

“May the souls of those who have passed on rest in eternal peace, and may a speedy recovery be granted to the injured. Let us come together, support one another, and provide solace during this challenging period,” he concluded.


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