
Communities, LGEA Officials, Teachers trade blames on plundering infrastructure as schools turned to abandoned...

By Aminu Adamu Naganye With the introduction of a new education model of 9-3-4 in 2008 as against previous 6-3-3-4 system in Nigeria which provides for Upper Basic Schools...

Personalizing ZIP Project: How Bauchi Lawmaker Reduced Intervention to Associates, Party affairs as Women,...

By Aminu Adamu Naganye As part of decentralizing dividends of democracy and ensuring federal projects spread to the grassroot level, the Federal Government provided Zonal Intervention Projects (ZIP) that...


By Bilal Ibrahim Mahmoud Established to cater for the basic educational needs of children of the nomads in the State, nomadic basic schools in Bauchi have been abandoned to...

INVESTIGATION: N30.5 Million Bauchi Abattoir Project Rots Away Years After Commissioning

By Babaji Usman Over the course of three separate payments, more than N30 million was allocated for the establishment of a modern abattoir in Misau town, Bauchi State. Investigations...

Investigation: The Failed Promise of a N25.8 Million Erosion Control Project in Misau

By Yawale Adamu For Bello Musa, a 37-year-old resident of Mangari bypass in Misau, the rainy season brings not joy but dread. His home's proximity to Rafin Arewa subjects...

The Perils of an Unfinished Rural Road Initiative in Zaki Federal Constituency

By Yawale Adamu In Zaki local government area of Bauchi State, residents of Sandigalau, Gumai, Tashena, and Ariri communities have faced mind-blowing challenges for years due to the lack...

How Lawmaker, Now Bauchi Deputy Governor Appropriated Zonal Intervention Project as Personal Political Empowerment...

By Yawale Adamu Although Zaki Federal Constituency houses a fertile land where agriculture thrives through both rainy and dry seasons, the local farming communities face a significant setback due...

How Education Ministry Awarded Shoddy Contract to a Ghost Company at FGGC Bauchi School

By Elijah Akoji Repeatedly, Nigerian government Ministries and Agencies have been found to disregard procurement regulations when awarding contracts, a practice that has detrimentally impacted development and fostered corruption....

Jigawa’s Triumph Over Open Defecation: A Blueprint for Bauchi State

Northern Nigeria, a region steeped in tradition and customs, has grappled with a vexing issue that gnaws at the heart of public health and environmental welfare: open defecation. Two northern states: Bauchi...

Bayan Gari: A Slum in Bauchi Metropolis Where Police Operatives Go for Catch and...

YAKUBU MOHAMMED went undercover for Xchange Hama Media in Bayan Gari, a slum in the heart of Bauchi, where activities of sex workers and criminal syndicates fuel ‘catch and cash' operations by...
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