Community and religious leaders from the Northern region expressed their disapproval on Tuesday of the military drone attack that resulted in the killing of over 90 innocent villagers in Tudun Biri, Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, during Maulud celebrations. They called for a comprehensive investigation into the incident and demanded compensation for the survivors and families of the deceased,Daily Trust reports.

The Defense Headquarters justified the drone attack, stating that it was based on information about the suspicious activities of terrorists in the area. The Nigerian Army Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) detachment observed the movement of terrorists in Ligarma, a known terrorist-infested area of Kaduna State. The military claimed that the terrorists posed a threat to key infrastructure, and the drone strike was intended to prevent them from unleashing terror on civilians.

Senator Shehu Sani criticized the military’s statement, describing it as insensitive. He argued that the language used appeared to justify the bombing of innocent people for the crimes of a few individuals. Sani called for a thorough investigation by the National Assembly.

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Islamic scholar Sheikh Dahiru Usman Bauchi urged President Bola Tinubu to ensure a thorough investigation and compensation for the affected families. The Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI) expressed disbelief at the military’s actions and called for a transparent investigation into the tragic event. Other religious and political leaders, including former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, also called for investigations and compensation for the victims.

Emirs Sanusi II and Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli called for calm and support for the government’s investigation. The Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Taoreeq Lagbaja, stated that the airstrike was unintentional, and an inquiry has been initiated. President Tinubu ordered a thorough investigation and directed comprehensive medical attention for survivors.

Amnesty International condemned the air strikes, stating that launching air raids on a village is not a legitimate law enforcement method. Survivors shared their harrowing experiences, with many housewives losing their breadwinners. Amnesty International called for an investigation into the incident, while survivors appealed for government assistance, having lost their loved ones.


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