Suspected Boko Haram insurgents carried out an assault on Chibok village in Borno State on Tuesday night, resulting in the deaths of two villagers and prompting others to flee for safety,leadership reports.

The attack occurred around 7 pm, instilling intense fear in the Chibok Local Government Area. Villagers sought refuge in nearby bushes as the attackers invaded homes, looted food items, and set houses on fire.

Witnesses described scenes of panic and fear as residents scrambled for cover. Many remained in hiding, fearing further attacks, with some not returning as of noon on Wednesday, according to a witness named Pona.

“We lost two lives due to gunshots during the attack,” Pona stated.

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The Borno State police confirmed the incident, reporting that a joint response from the military and local law enforcement successfully repelled the attack. Unfortunately, two villagers, identified as Mr. Badi (75) and Ngule (45), lost their lives during the raid.

“The attack was repelled by the joint effort of the military and the police,” said ASP Nahum Daso, the state’s Police Public Relations Officer. “Unfortunately, two persons were killed; one of the deceased, named Mr. Badi, aged 75, and one Ngule, aged 45, died during the attack. But the situation has since returned to normal.”

Chibok and its surrounding communities continue to face periodic attacks by Boko Haram terrorists, despite their notorious abduction of over 250 schoolgirls from Chibok secondary school in 2014. Presently, more than 80 of the abducted schoolgirls remain in the hands of the terrorists.

While over 160,000 insurgents and their family members have surrendered to troops in different locations in the North-East, those remnants of the terrorists still engaging in combat have turned to looting food and non-food items across villages to support their diminishing resources, a consequence of countermeasures adopted by the Nigerian military.


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