Abbas Tajudeen, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, stated that Nigerians can anticipate a significant improvement in budget execution once President Bola Tinubu approves the 2024 appropriation bill. Addressing journalists after paying a Christmas visit to President Tinubu at his Lagos residence, Tajudeen, in a statement from the president’s media office, emphasized that the N28.78 trillion harmonized budget, recently passed by the National Assembly, will characterize Tinubu’s leadership as centered on the welfare of the people,leadership report.

Highlighting the dedicated efforts invested in scrutinizing the budget, Tajudeen acknowledged the rigorous examination undertaken by lawmakers, working tirelessly, including weekends and holidays, to ensure the budget’s timely passage.

Despite the adjustments from the initially proposed N27.50 trillion to the final N28.78 trillion approved by the House and the Senate, Tajudeen assured that every sector underwent thorough scrutiny. He expressed confidence that the budget, once signed into law, will make a tangible impact on the economy and the lives of Nigerians.

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In conclusion, Tajudeen asserted that the 2024 appropriation is a testament to Tinubu’s administration’s commitment to the well-being of the country’s citizens, promising that discernible positive changes will be evident as the budget is implemented.


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