At least three people are reportedly killed and 10 others injured in a renewed border clash between two warring neighbouring villages of Gamawa and Zaki local government areas of Bauch State, WikkiTimes reports.

The latest conflict came after a suspected armed youth group from Tarbuwa, a community in Zaki local government sharing boundary with Kubdia, a community in Gamawa local government stopped a Kubdia-bound group of motorcycle riders.

A resident of Gamawa, on the condition of anonymity, told our reporter that members of the caravan escaped narrowly escaped with matchet wounds.

“What happened is that some youths of Tarbuwa in Zaki local government stopped one member of Kubdiya who is on his way to his village and beat him up and burnt his motorcycle. He survived being killed by the Villagers as he jumped into the river.

“This doesn’t go well with the people of Kubdiya but the District Head of Gamawa on hearing of the incident quickly went there and consoled the people.

“So, the next morning, while residents were on the farms doing their work, some irate Youths went on a revenge mission. The two communities engaged each other by the use of local arrows and even Dane guns and in the process, three lives were lost,” he said.

He said a high-powered committee was set up to restore normalcy in the area and to proffer solutions to avert future occurrences.

“The situation is bad, this long dispute among the two communities will not in any way help matters.

Just recently, the area has been hit by flood, the people did not recuperate from that disaster and yet in another now’, he lamented.

He said 10 people were injured at Kubdiya and are currently receiving treatment at Gamawa General Hospital.

He said security personnel have been dispatched to the area to restore normalcy has been restored.

SP Ahmed Muhammed Wakil, Police Public Relations Officer, Bauchi State Command is not available for comment.

He did not pick up the phone call placed through his line nor reply to the Short Message Service (SMS) sent to him as at the time of filling this report.


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