Asclepius Consulting, a leading medical consultancy firm, has emphasized the importance of early screening for detecting and treating high blood pressure (HBP),leadership reports.

This call was made in celebration of the 2024 World Hypertension Day on Friday, May 17, 2024, under the theme, “Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer.”

World Hypertension Day is observed globally to raise awareness about high blood pressure, promote accurate blood pressure measurement, and work towards controlling hypertension-related non-communicable diseases, especially in low to middle-income countries like Nigeria.

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In a statement from Dr. Seun Williams, Client Services Executive at Asclepius Consulting, he highlighted that accurate blood pressure measurement is crucial for the effective diagnosis, prevention, and control of hypertension.

“This can be achieved using clinically validated automated devices, adhering to proper measurement protocols, and ensuring appropriate patient preparation. Asclepius Consulting and its partners encourage Nigerians to participate in World Hypertension Day by getting blood pressure screenings and learning about the risk factors for hypertension,” Dr. Williams stated. “These screenings, along with education on exercises, stress management, lifestyle modification, and dietary salt reduction, help reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease in Nigerian communities.”

Dr. Williams also noted that many individuals with hypertension are unaware of their condition, as it often presents no symptoms and is only discovered after a heart attack or stroke, earning it the nickname “the silent killer.”

He added, “Asclepius Consulting and its partners have screened over 100,000 Nigerians in various public health facilities for high blood pressure since the beginning of 2024 and plan to screen an additional 100,000 Nigerians by the end of the year.”


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