Some prospective corps members mobilized for the mandatory one-year National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) are currently stranded at the Kusalla orientation camp in Karaye Local Government Area of Kano State,Daily Trust reports.

A prospective corps member inside the camp, who requested anonymity, informed our reporter that they were denied entry due to late arrival. Many of those affected are from far eastern and southern states, likely facing travel difficulties.

“It’s disheartening to go through the arduous process of getting here only to be turned away. Some of us received our call-up letters very late and had to travel for two or three days to reach here,” one prospective corps member said. “Now, about 100 of us are stranded, uncertain about what will happen next.”

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Another corps member shared their experience, saying, “I arrived on Thursday, the second day of resumption. Our vehicle broke down along the way, so I didn’t reach Kano until around 1 a.m., and had to spend the day there. The next day, a moving vehicle damaged my phone, which contained all my unprinted documents. It took me another day to get it fixed. I finally arrived at the camp around 11 p.m., but everyone had already gone to bed, and there was no one to attend to us, unlike other camps where registration goes on through the night.”

She continued, “Yesterday, we were told the portal had been closed from Abuja. Some of us don’t even have money to buy food. Some of the females are in tears. We desperately need help.”

The stranded prospective corps members are appealing to the relevant authorities to intervene as they remain in a state of confusion.

Attempts to reach the NYSC Public Relations Officer in Kano, Juliana Nahemiah, were unsuccessful, as she did not answer calls or respond to a text message.


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